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Microsoft project 2010 s curve tutorial pdf free download –

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Cindy Lewis Carl Chatfi eld Timothy Johnson Microsoft Project Step by Step. Nov 13,  · Displaying an S-Curve in MS Project. A single S-Curve may be created graphically and displayed by Microsoft Project by: – Displaying the Resource Sheet in the top pane and selecting all the resources, – The Resource Graph in the bottom pane, – Right-clicking and displaying the Cumulative Costs, and – Right-clicking, opening the Bar Styles form and formatting as shown below. Windows. CADE is free to download and supports most of Visio’s basic functionalities. It is optimized for large CAD drawings and allows easy collaboration and sharing. CADE can be exported to popular formats such as EMF, JPG, PDF and XAML. There are many sample diagrams and templates to help you get started as well.

MS – PROJECT – Tutorial PDF | PDF | Project Management | Business


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No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Start Project 2. Plan the Tasks 3. Assign resources 4. Project Baseline set up 5. Update progress 6. Forecast Information 7. Close Project Table of Contents 5. Create a new Project File To create a new blank project in Project, click the file tab.

Click new 6. Set project start date Go to Project tab. Click Project information Step Start Project 7. Define Project Calendar Go to Project tab. Click Change Working time 8. Step Plan the Tasks Enter Task Click View tab. In the Task View groups, click Gantt Chart.

In the Task Name fields, enter tasks. Decide how you want to Schedule Task In Project , we can schedule tasks manually or automatically. Select schedule method after enter a new tasks by clicking in the Task Mode column:- Note: New Tasks manually set by default in Option Tab Outline Tasks Create task hierarchy including tasks and milestones under summary task, which can be represent phase or other work divisions.


Microsoft project 2010 s curve tutorial pdf free download


The products listed in the top ten include: 1. Microsoft Project 2. MindView 3. Project KickStart 4. RationalPlan Multi Project 5.

FastTrack Schedule 6. Service Desktop Pro 7. Milestones 8. MinuteMan 9. FusionDesk Professional Remember that students can purchase Microsoft Project and other software at greatly reduced rates from sites such as www. You can also normally download free trials of Project and other software products. Figure A Top ten project management software product comparisons Below are descriptions of the criteria for comparing the software products: Collaboration: How information and issues are communicated with project team members, including email, conference calls, meetings, web-based locations and more.

Collaboration should be easy to use. Resource Management: Project management software should manage and control the resources needed to run a project, such as people, money, time and equipment. Project Management: The process, practice and activities needed to perform continuous evaluation, prioritization, budgeting and selection of investments are key.

Proper project management capabilities provide the greatest value and contribution to the strategic interest of your company. Ease of Use: All project management software has a learning curve, but the best have functions that are easy to find and simple enough for anyone to use from Day 1, Project 1.

The manufacturer should provide email addresses or telephone numbers for direct answers to technical questions.

Figure A-2 lists the top ten results. The top fourteen products listed include: 1. Daptiv PPM 3. Clarizen 4. Project Insight 5.

Celoxis 6. Intervals 7. Projecturf 8. Central Desktop 9. Easy Projects NET Project Office. Copper Smooth Projects Zoho Projects task took the number one spot. Like most tools in this category, task provides the ability to create Gantt charts, numerous reports and views, project dashboards, and it provides integration with Microsoft Project files. One of its unique features is its support of iPhones.

See End Note 1 or visit the Web sites for any of these products and use a free trial version. See Appendix B for more information on using task. Why not just use a spreadsheet or database to help manage projects? You can do a lot of project management planning and tracking using non-project management software.

You could use a simple word processor to list tasks, resources, dates, and so on. If you put that information into a spreadsheet, you can easily sort it, graph it, and perform other functions. A relational database tool could provide even more manipulation of data. You can use email and other tools to collaborate with others. However, project management software is designed specifically for managing projects, so it normally includes several distinct and important features not found in other software products: Creating work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, and network diagrams: As mentioned in this text, a fundamental concept of project management is breaking down the scope of the project into a work breakdown structure WBS.

The WBS is the basis for creating the project schedule, normally shown as a Gantt chant. The Gantt chart shows start and end dates of tasks as well as dependencies between tasks, which are more clearly shown in a network diagram. Project management software makes it easy to create a WBS, Gantt chart, and network. These features help the project manager and team visualize the project at various levels of detail.

Integrating scope, time, and cost data: The WBS is a key tool for summarizing the scope of a project, and the Gantt chart summarizes the time or schedule for a project. Project management software allows you to assign cost and other resources to tasks on the WBS, which are tied to the schedule.

This allows you to create a cost baseline and use earned value management to track project performance in terms of scope, time, and cost in an integrated fashion. Setting a baseline and tracking progress: Another important concept of project management is preparing a plan and measuring progress against the plan. Project management software lets you track progress for each task. The tracking Gantt chart is a nice tool for easily seeing the planned and actual schedule, and other views and reports show progress in other areas.

Providing other advanced project management features: Project management software often provides other advanced features, such as setting up different types of scheduling dependencies, determining the critical path and slack for tasks, working with multiple projects, and leveling resources. For example, you can easily set up a task to start when its predecessor is halfway finished.

After entering task dependencies, the software should easily show you the critical path and slack for each task.

You can also set up multiple projects in a program and perform portfolio management analysis with some products. Many project management software products also allow you to easily adjust resources within their slack allowances to create a smoother resource distribution.

These advanced features unique to project management are rarely found in other software tools. Viewing these tasks with slack helps alert you to tasks that are becoming critical while you still have some buffer. In the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to list, enter the number of days under which a task will be considered critical. When you display the project’s critical path , Project shows only a single, overall critical path, which is the only critical path that controls the project’s finish date.

However, you can set up your plan so that you can also see an additional critical path for each independent network or each series of tasks. You might find this useful for keeping track of each of the subprojects within a master project, or of each phase or milestone of a project that is divided into multiple phases. By knowing and tracking the critical path for your project, as well as the resources that are assigned to each critical task, you can identify the tasks that can affect your project’s finish date and thus discover whether your project will finish on schedule.

Learn more by reading Manage your project’s critical path. To verify that adjustments that you make to the project plan don’t adversely affect the critical path, you can review the critical path and critical tasks in any of several ways.

Note: By default, Project does not display a project’s critical path. To display all tasks again, select All Tasks in the Filter list on the toolbar. You can also group all critical tasks together. On the Project menu, point to Group by , and then select Critical.

Follow the instructions in the Gantt Chart Wizard to format the critical path. By default, the Gantt chart bars and link lines for critical tasks are displayed in red. This format change overrides any direct formatting changes previously made to bar styles or to individual bars. Note that this formatting of critical tasks applies only to the current Gantt Chart view in the current file.

To use the same formatting in another file, you can use the Organizer Tools menu to copy formatted Gantt Charts to other files. On the Tools menu, choose Options , select the Calculation tab, and then select the Calculate multiple critical paths check box. Important: This procedure is only effective in a consolidated project. If you don’t have a consolidated project, you must first create one. On the Tools menu, choose Options , select the Calculation tab, and then select the Inserted projects are calculated like summary tasks check box.

This is a project-level setting. All projects inserted into this project will be calculated like summary tasks. In Project , a critical task has zero days of slack float. However, you can change this default value and define a task as critical that has, for example, one or two days of slack.

On the Tools menu, choose Options , and then select the Calculation tab. In the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to box, enter the maximum amount of slack, in days, that you want to use to define critical tasks. If you want this value to be the default value for all of your projects, choose Set as Default. Assign resources 4. Project Baseline set up 5. Update progress 6.

Forecast Information 7. Close Project Table of Contents 5. Create a new Project File To create a new blank project in Project, click the file tab. Click new 6. Set project start date Go to Project tab. Click Project information Step Start Project 7. Define Project Calendar Go to Project tab.

Click Change Working time 8. Step Plan the Tasks Enter Task Click View tab. In the Task View groups, click Gantt Chart. In the Task Name fields, enter tasks. Decide how you want to Schedule Task In Project , we can schedule tasks manually or automatically. Select schedule method after enter a new tasks by clicking in the Task Mode column:- Note: New Tasks manually set by default in Option Tab Outline Tasks Create task hierarchy including tasks and milestones under summary task, which can be represent phase or other work divisions.

Click the Task tab. Enter Durations Click the Duration field for a task and enter a Duration. Select the tasks that you want to link then click the Link Tasks button in the Schedule group, or move a mouse to bar chart press and drack down to tasks that you want to link. To change the default Finish-to-Start FS , double click the link line and change. We can assign more than one resources to a tasks. Step Assign Resources Enter the Work Hours spending on Tasks After assign a resources to the Tasks, work hours automatically show in a Work.

Entering Work reflects real world scheduling. Identify factors effecting task schedules We can use MS Project to help for understanding how changes one task can effect the rest of the project. Click the task tab then in the Schedule group click Inspect Task.

A pane opens on the left showing the factors that affect the scheduling of selected task. Or double click in tasks name. Step Set the Project Baseline Save the baseline plan After the plan is solidly in place for the finish date, budget and scope, we can submit a plan for approval. Once it has been approved, save the baseline plan. Click the Project tab, in Schedule group click Set Baseline What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks.

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Microsoft project 2010 s curve tutorial pdf free download.How to Display an S-Curve and Cummulative Histogram in MS Project


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Inside the Tornado Alex Barclay. Unleashing the Idea Virus Seth Godin. Cialdini, PhD. Goldstein Ph. Start Project 2. Plan the Tasks 3. Assign resources 4. Project Baseline set up 5. Update progress 6.

Forecast Information 7. Close Project Table of Contents 5. Create a new Project File To create a new blank project in Project, click the file tab. Click new 6. Set project start date Go to Project tab. Click Project information Step Start Project 7. Protect yourself by viewing tasks that can slip without affecting the critical path.

By default, the critical path shows the tasks that cannot slip at all or the project date will slip. You may want to view tasks that currently can slip by a day without affecting the critical path, because if they slip by more than a day, they will become critical tasks. Viewing these tasks with slack helps alert you to tasks that are becoming critical while you still have some buffer.

In the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to list, enter the number of days under which a task will be considered critical. When you display the project’s critical path , Project shows only a single, overall critical path, which is the only critical path that controls the project’s finish date. However, you can set up your plan so that you can also see an additional critical path for each independent network or each series of tasks.

You might find this useful for keeping track of each of the subprojects within a master project, or of each phase or milestone of a project that is divided into multiple phases. By knowing and tracking the critical path for your project, as well as the resources that are assigned to each critical task, you can identify the tasks that can affect your project’s finish date and thus discover whether your project will finish on schedule.

Learn more by reading Manage your project’s critical path. To verify that adjustments that you make to the project plan don’t adversely affect the critical path, you can review the critical path and critical tasks in any of several ways. Note: By default, Project does not display a project’s critical path.

To display all tasks again, select All Tasks in the Filter list on the toolbar. You can also group all critical tasks together. On the Project menu, point to Group by , and then select Critical. Follow the instructions in the Gantt Chart Wizard to format the critical path. By default, the Gantt chart bars and link lines for critical tasks are displayed in red. This format change overrides any direct formatting changes previously made to bar styles or to individual bars. Note that this formatting of critical tasks applies only to the current Gantt Chart view in the current file.

To use the same formatting in another file, you can use the Organizer Tools menu to copy formatted Gantt Charts to other files. On the Tools menu, choose Options , select the Calculation tab, and then select the Calculate multiple critical paths check box. Important: This procedure is only effective in a consolidated project. If you don’t have a consolidated project, you must first create one.

On the Tools menu, choose Options , select the Calculation tab, and then select the Inserted projects are calculated like summary tasks check box. This is a project-level setting. All projects inserted into this project will be calculated like summary tasks. In Project , a critical task has zero days of slack float. However, you can change this default value and define a task as critical that has, for example, one or two days of slack. On the Tools menu, choose Options , and then select the Calculation tab.

In the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to box, enter the maximum amount of slack, in days, that you want to use to define critical tasks. If you want this value to be the default value for all of your projects, choose Set as Default. To learn how to find a task’s slack, see Show slack in your project.

For instructions about changing a task’s slack, see Set lead or lag time float between tasks. Tip: To change the sensitivity of critical tasks, on the Tools menu, choose Options. On the Calculation tab, under Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to , specify the number of days under which a task will be considered critical. In your project, select Timeline. Select Filters. Turn on the toggle Show Critical Path.

When Show Critical Path is on, you’ll see the critical path for your project highlighted red in the timeline. Manage your project’s critical path.

View and track scheduling factors. Show the critical path of your project in Project. Show the critical path in the Gantt Chart view The Gantt Chart view will likely be your most used view for showing the critical path.

Tasks on the critical path now have red Gantt bars. Show the critical path in other task views You can see the critical path in any task view by highlighting it. These instructions are specific to Project Display the critical path for your project To verify that adjustments that you make to the project plan don’t adversely affect the critical path, you can review the critical path and critical tasks in any of several ways.

In Project for the web, you can view the critical path by using a filter. Need more help? Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue.

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