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For Photoshop versions earlier than Photoshop CC, some functionality discussed in this article may be available only if you have Photoshop Extended. Photoshop does not have a separate Extended offering.

All features in Photoshop Extended are part of Photoshop. After you’ve created video or animation content in Photoshop, you can easily optimize, render, and export it. You can save animations as GIF files for viewing on the web. After you complete your animation, optimize it for efficient download to a web browser. You optimize an animation in two ways:. Optimize the frames to include only areas that change from frame to frame.

This greatly reduces the file size of the animated GIF file. A special dithering technique is applied to animations to ensure that dither patterns are consistent across all frames and to prevent flickering during playback. Due to these additional optimization functions, more time may be required to optimize an animated GIF than to optimize a standard GIF.

When optimizing the colors in an animation, use the Adaptive, Perceptual, or Selective palette. This ensures that the colors are consistent across frames. Bounding Box. Crops each frame to the area that has changed from the preceding frame. Animation files created using this option are smaller but are incompatible with GIF editors that do not support the option. This option is selected by default and is recommended.

Redundant Pixel Removal. Makes all pixels transparent in a frame that are unchanged from the preceding frame. The Transparency option in the Optimize panel must be selected for redundant pixel removal to work.

Set the frame disposal method to Automatic when using the Redundant Pixel Removal option. See Choose a frame disposal method. When you flatten frames into layers, a single layer is created for each frame in a video layer.

To create a folder to contain your exported file, select the Create New Subfolder option and enter a name for the subfolder. Then choose a file format from the pop-up menu. These options specify the numbering system for the exported files.

Then do any of the following if necessary:. Start Frame and End Frame. Currently Selected Frames Photoshop Extended. Alpha Channel. Specifies how alpha channels are rendered.

Select None to ignore the alpha channel, Straight-Unmatted to include the channel, or one of the Premultiplied options to mix a matte color with the color channels. Controls how surfaces are rendered if your project includes 3D objects. Interactive is suitable for video games and similar uses. Ray Traced Draft is low quality but lets the video render qucikly. Ray Traced Final is high quality but the video takes a long time to render.

Determines how many frames are created for each second of the video or animation. The Document Frame Rate option reflects the rate in Photoshop. An animation format for playback of computer-generated animations on workstations, Windows, and Mac OS.

This format is also referred to as FLI. QuickTime Movie. The Apple Computer multimedia architecture that includes a number of codecs. To export audio, you must use this format. A video format with intraframe compression that uses FireWire IEEE interface to transfer video to nonlinear editing systems.

Image Sequence. A sequence of still images that can reside within one folder and use the same numeric or alphabetic filename pattern such as Sequence1, Sequence2, Sequence3, and so on.

Photoshop also supports other third-party formats such as Avid AVR codecs; however, the necessary QuickTime codecs must be installed. In QuickTime terminology, the term key frames refers to something different than the animation keyframes in Photoshop. In QuickTime, key frames occur at regular intervals in the movie and are stored as complete frames.

Each intermediate frame that separates them is compared to the previous frame, and only changed data is stored. Using key frames greatly reduces movie size and greatly increases the memory required to edit and render a movie.

Shorter intervals between key frames enable faster seeking and reverse playback, but can significantly increase the size of the file. Video Format. Selects the codec used during video export. If your source movie has only one video track and it is already compressed, you can choose Pass Through so that the video doesn’t get compressed again. Specifies the kilobits per second kbps during playback.

A higher kbps rate usually improves movie playback quality; however, don’t choose a data rate higher than the available bandwidth. Optimized For. Specifies the intended delivery method if you choose H. This setting tells the codec how much the data rate can vary above and below the data rate you choose. Specifies a standard for sending the file to a mobile phone. Current maintains the source material size; the resulting file may not play on a mobile phone.

Choose Custom to specify a size not listed in the menu. Preserve Aspect Ratio Using. Letterbox scales the source proportionally to fit into the clean aperture, adding black bars to the top and bottom or sides as necessary.

Crop centers, scales, and trims to the clean aperture. Specifies the frames per second fps during playback. In most cases, your video looks better if you choose a number that your source fps is exactly divisible by.

For example, if your source is captured at 30 fps, choose a frame rate of 10 or Don’t choose a rate larger than that of your source material. Specifies how frequently key frames are created in the exported video.

A higher key frame rate lower number improves video quality, but increases the file size. Video Options. With H. All audio options are disabled because Photoshop Extended does not include audio in exported 3G files.

All text options are disabled because Photoshop Extended does not include text tracks in exported 3G files. Enable Streaming. This option creates a hint track instructions necessary for streaming a file. Optimize For Server. Restrict Distribution. Specifies how many times the file can play back on the handset once downloaded. Also specifies file expiration options: set the file to expire in a number of days or enter a date.

If your file is in Mobile MP4 or EZmovie format, you can restrict distribution so that once the file is on a handset it can’t be sent or copied elsewhere. Fragment Movie. Enables the file to download via HTTP in small pieces so that playback can start faster and so that larger files can be played on the handset only the fragment, not the entire movie, must fit on the handset at one time.

Specifies the color table using the Windows system colors or Mac OS system colors in the exported movie. Compression Type. Frame Per Second. Specifies the number of individual images shown every second. NTSC is generally the standard video format and is PAL is a European video format that is 25 fps. The standard for film is 24 fps.

QuickTime movies are sometimes created with a slower frame rate to reduce bandwidth and CPU requirements. Movies with higher frame rates display motion better, but have larger file sizes. If you choose a frame rate that’s lower than the movie’s current frame rate, frames are deleted.

If you choose a number that’s higher than the movie’s current frame rate, existing frames are duplicated not recommended, since it increases file size without improving quality. In most cases, your video will look better if you choose a number that your source fps is exactly divisible by.

Key Frame Every. Specifies the key frame frequency.



Adobe after effects cc best render settings free

But Adobe got rid of the feature in After Effects CC, MP4 Format included in Media Encoder Output Format Settings. MP4 Multiplexer. Learn about rendering and exporting in After Effects using the Render Queue panel and Media Encoder and supported output formats. Learn how you can work with Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Adobe Media Encoder, Adobe Audition and Adobe Bridge with After Effects.


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