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Essentially, the program can create common statistical models, such as regression analysis, as well as Bayesian estimations on any type of source data. Chi-square tests and covariance calculations can be performed with just several mouse clicks and bootstrap analyses are also supported. However, a distinctive feature of this program is that it combines informative graphics with raw statistical power.
Getting results across to an audience unfamiliar with Statistics has always been a burden for researchers and analysts. These images can serve to explain correlations between variables, a fact equations are ill-equipped for.
The ability to build structural equation models in a highly intuitive manner is one of the strong points of this tool. Another noteworthy aspect is its support for more advanced users, as the application can be run both with and without a GUI.
Users accustomed to scripting will also appreciate the built-in support for VB and C customized programs. These user-built components can enhance functionality by incorporating SEM results into a larger project, or by creating classes to be called by the tool. An application that provides users with the means to build and test relationships between attitudinal and behavioral models in a simple manner IBM SPSS Amos.
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