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Register to activate your warranty, quickly access information about your product and receive software updates. On the back of the TV on a sticker that shows a bar code and serial number. This sticker may be on either the right or left side, depending on the model; but is normally located in the lower half of the back of the TV.

The model number may also be visible on the side of the TV panel. Please check the inside of the microwave first before attempting to unmount or remove a built-in unit. Required: Upload your bill of sale, invoice, or a picture of the model label. For questions, service, manuals and more, we have lots of ways to get answers. Where’s the model number? All fields are required. By clicking subscribe you are agreeing to receiving email communication from Sharp Electronics regarding Sharp consumer products.

Your privacy is important to us. Read our Privacy policy. Live Chat. Twitter Facebook. Register Your Product. Product Information. Select a date. Where can I find my model number? All Sharp products have a model number stated on them, some in more than one place.

The model number can be found on the original box the item was purchased in, on the product manual, and on the product in the locations described below. Helpful tip: For convenience, if you have a digital camera or smart phone, you may want to take a digital photo of the model number.

TV On the back of the TV on a sticker that shows a bar code and serial number. Audio Systems. Sound Bars. PCI Air Purifiers. Where can I find my serial number? All Sharp products have a serial number stated on them, some in more than one place.

The serial number can be found on the original box the item was purchased in, on the product manual, and on the product in the locations described below. Service Request. Contact Information. Address Address 1 is Required. Address 2. City City is Required. Zip Zip Code is Required. Alt Telephone. Email Email Address is Required. Please enter a valid Email Address. I would like to receive information about upgrades, new features, and special offers related to Sharp consumer products I would like to sign up for the newsletter to keep in touch with news and updates from Sharp.

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