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GFI WebMonitor for ISA-TMG WebFilter | replace.me
An active setting regulary blocks languages that require more than eight bit to display all language specific characters. With this option it is possible to block or allow some specific file extensions in the specific firewall rule.
When a webclient sends requests to a web server or the web server is answering queries the first part of an answer is a HTTP request or a HTTP response. The request Header field allows the client to send additional information to the server. HTTP Header contains information about the Browser, operating system information, and authorization details and more, the client Header uses the attribute User-Agent which determines which application is responsible for the request.
You can use HTTP signatures to deny the execution from specific applications. To find a specific HTTP signature you must know which signature the application is using. There are some documents on the Internet that can give you some information about specific HTTP signature but it is also possible to use a network sniffer to determine HTTP signatures. I will show you how to use a network sniffer later in this article. Your Duo secret key, obtained from the details page for the application in the Duo Admin Panel.
If you’re on Windows and would like to encrypt the skey, see Encrypting Passwords in the full Authentication Proxy documentation. Your Duo API hostname e. Only clients with configured addresses and shared secrets will be allowed to send requests to the Authentication Proxy. A secret to be shared between the proxy and your Microsoft TMG.
If you’re on Windows and would like to encrypt this secret, see Encrypting Passwords in the full Authentication Proxy documentation. The mechanism that the Authentication Proxy should use to perform primary authentication.
This should correspond with a “client” section elsewhere in the config file. Use Active Directory for primary authentication. Do not perform primary authentication. This parameter is optional if you only have one “client” section. If you have multiple, each “server” section should specify which “client” to use. If you have another service running on the server where you installed Duo that is using the default RADIUS port , you will need to set this to a different port number to avoid a conflict.
In the event that Duo’s service cannot be contacted, users’ authentication attempts will be permitted if primary authentication succeeds. The secrets shared with your second Microsoft TMG, if using one.
Comma-separated list of additional RADIUS attributes to pass through from the primary authentication to the device integrating with the Authentication Proxy when authentication is accepted.
By default, the proxy will create a new Accept message without passing through any attributes. Make sure to save your configuration file in your text editor — or validate and save in the Proxy Manager for Windows — when you’re finished making changes. View video guides for proxy deployment at the Authentication Proxy Overview or see the Authentication Proxy Reference for additional configuration options.
If you installed the Duo Authentication Proxy Manager utility available with 5. Alternatively, open the Windows Services console services. Authentication Proxy v5. If the service starts successfully, Authentication Proxy service output is written to the authproxy.
If you see an error saying that the “service could not be started”, open the Application Event Viewer and look for an Error from the source “DuoAuthProxy”. The traceback may include a “ConfigError” that can help you find the source of the issue. Stop and restart the Authentication Proxy service by either clicking the Restart Service button in the Duo Authentication Proxy Manager or the Windows Services console or issuing these commands from an Administrator command prompt:.
To stop and restart the Authentication Proxy using authproxyctl , from an administrator command prompt run:. Authentication Proxy service output is written to the authproxy. If you modify your authproxy.
Right-click on the firewall rule associated with your Web Listener and select Properties. Click the Listener tab, make sure your Web Listener is selected in the dropdown, and then click Properties. Alternatively, expand Network Objects in the Toolbox pane on the far right of the TMG Manager window, then expand Web Listeners and double-click the Web Listener associated with your firewall rule to open the Properties window.
Click Add to point it towards your Duo Authentication Proxy. Enter a meaningful description, set the shared secret to match what you configured in the Duo Authentication Proxy. Make sure that the port is set to or whichever port is configured on the Duo Authentication Proxy server and that the timeout is 60 seconds.
To complete setup, you will want to click the Apply button again to save changes and update the TMG server’s running configuration. To test your setup, attempt to log in to your newly-configured system as a user enrolled in Duo with an authentication device. Alternatively you may add a comma “,” to the end of your password and append a Duo factor option:.
For example, if you wanted to use a passcode to authenticate instead of Duo Push or a phone call, you would enter:. If you wanted to use specify use of phone callback to authenticate instead of an automatic Duo Push request, you would enter:.
You can also specify a number after the factor name if you have more than one device enrolled as the automatic push or phone call goes to the first capable device attached to a user. So you can enter phone2 or push2 if you have two phones enrolled and you want the authentication request to go to the second phone. Note that if TMG will be passing the submitted credential to another service for authentication like OWA , appending a passcode or factor name to your password may fail to log you in to the service.
In this case, use Duo’s automatic push or phone call authentication methods for the best results. Troubleshooting Need some help? Review troubleshooting tips for the Authentication Proxy and try the connectivity tool included with Duo Authentication Proxy 2. For further assistance, contact Support. About Duo. Scan downloaded files with multiple antivirus engines GFI WebMonitor uses multiple virus scanners to protect you against inadvertently downloading malicious files. Protect against socially engineered phishing websites Phishing is a social engineering technique that is used by malicious hackers to acquire personal information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details.
Messenger, and thin instant messaging portals which are used to circumvent IM blocking policies. This feature includes an auto-update engine to be able to distribute new signatures as soon as they are discovered.
Blocking of malicious websites — powered by GFI ThreatTrack GFI WebMonitor provides the ability to proactively block websites serving malware, phishing, rogue software, exploits or other malicious content. Action-based alerts. You can use executable files from selected devices as a template of executable files that you want to allow or block.
Based on executable files from selected devices, you can create an application category and use it in the Application Control component configuration. To create application category that includes executable files from selected devices:. The New Category Wizard starts. Proceed through the Wizard by using the Next button. Depending on the version of the security application installed on devices on your network, you must select an algorithm for hash value computing by Kaspersky Security Center for files in this category.
Information about computed hash values is stored in the Administration Server database. Storage of hash values does not increase the database size significantly. SHA is a cryptographic hash function: no vulnerabilities have been found in its algorithm, and so it is considered the most reliable cryptographic function nowadays.
Select either of the options of hash value computing by Kaspersky Security Center for files in the category:. If different devices on your network use both earlier and later versions of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10, select both the SHA check box and the MD5 hash check box.
Block exe download tmg. FTP and File-Type Blocking on TMG
Intro – 2. Please note that when one browses a web site, it may “download” html pages, image files, ‘. I’ve mentioned this, as the term “download” may be “misleading”, like “I want users to view images but not to download them” yeah, I know this may sound funny, but I haven’t say it. Actually this may have kind of a sense but I somehow download do need for speed underground 2 completo para pc baixaki this was the sense used when I’ve heard it if you want the browser to not display an image automatically, rather to prompt the user, which we can do using the HTTP header Content-Disposition with attachment.
Note that although we can “whitelist” the allowed extensions, in practice this may not represent a feasible solution for web browsing, as it can become difficult to manage and even so, for example with all the URL rewrite techniques employed by various web sites, we can endup blocking legitimate traffic.
Note that we don’t neccessary have to straight request a certain block exe download tmg request URL to end with the needed fileand thus block exe download tmg may may more flexibility with this block exe download tmg than with the blocked desired extensions within the Extensions tab of the HTTP Filter. This approach may be a more feasible way of “whitelisting” allowed content type.
And we may block like so responses from web servers whose admins don’t want to play by the rules, and decide to use their own content types for certain files.
Or manually block the undesired content type by signature, see Figure5we loose the “whitelisting” approach like so. The content-disposition header typically may be used in combination with the content-type one, to tell the browser how to handle a file, for example, if we use only the content-type header for image files, say. If we cover all these, then we can come up with a pretty nice content type control, indeed this is a manual approach and we have to block exe download tmg a little bit, but if you buy Forefrong TMG you can do block exe download tmg these free of charge.
We may have dealt like so with many situations we may come across. Still, there are certain cases we cannot cover like so. As you have noted from above, on Forefront TMG Beta 3, we do not identify the real file block exe download tmg, rather we make decisions based on the Block exe download tmg headers request and response headers. Imagine a web server admin that changes on his web server the MIME type for ‘.
Depending on how a certain file is requested, block exe download tmg what we’ve allowed and blocked, our restrictions may be bypassable. Or the simpler case when a user changes a file’s extension from ‘. If you may want to allow the Yahoo! Also note block exe download tmg for example, if you want to block users from downloading ‘. So can we instruct Forefront TMG Beta 3 to avoid somehow the renaming extension situation and have a way to identify certain file types, and complement somehow the usual approach described above?
If we look at what we have by default on TMG Beta 3, the answer could be: maybe. Note that what we can do bellow, we may be block exe download tmg to do with ISA Serverbut I want to mention a new feature of TMG Beta 3, feature which block exe download tmg Microsoft gives us access block exe download tmg it, we may have a smarter way of identifying and blocking certain file types accessed by users.
Avoiding the renaming extension situation might be accomplished with some add-ons which also incorporate other features and provide many other benefits block exe download tmg ISA Server currently, as writing, Forefront TMG is in its beta stages, so you may find few add-ons for it. However, these add-ons may not come as free, and for the moment you may not be willing to invest in such a solution.
The downside to the manual approach from bellow is that you will block exe download tmg to work a little, sometimes a little more, and is not very precised, flexible or a smart approach. Also, block exe download tmg just blacklist certain responses from the web servers, it’s not a whitelisting approach.
Thus we need to search and identify the specific string s to block a certain file type. The accuracy of the signature, at a certain extent, will depend on the string s we will use to block a certain type of file and the way we can write this signature. We mainly need three block exe download tmg a hex editor, Google or your favorite search engine and Wireshark or your favorite protocol analyzer.
The hex editor is needed to open the file and look at it. Google is needed or maybe not if you are pretty sure of yourself to search for specific files headers sub headersso we can get directions if needed or just confirm our findings.
Wireshark is needed if we want to analyze a specific server’s response for the pattern we want to block. So we must define carefully our signature to limit these issues. Remember that unless we look at the HTTP response body, we will not be able to indeed say the type of the file being downloaded. Also note that this is a primitive form of search, we rather search for a “keyword”, instead would have been more useful if we could have used a regex.
Overview But before we proceed, let’s have a look at some web servers reponses for a requested file, and highlight that in various cases simply analyzing the HTTP headers from the server’s response may not be enough to determine the real type of a file so far we’ve just discussed this in theory.
First a block exe download tmg web server response for a ZIP archive download request using Wireshark, see Figure8 click on the image for the full picture :. I’m calling it simple because it was a straight request for a ZIP archive, and the response is using just the HTTP content-type header, all by the rules. Now let’s take a look at a more “complicated” request and response. For example for downloading a ZIP archive attachment download from Yahoo!
We can block exe download tmg it’s a more детальнее на этой странице request because it’s not a straight request for specific file rather the requested file is found somewhere in the requested URL, see Figure But you can block it if you block with a signature the ‘.
We can say it’s a more “complicated” response because it uses both the content-type and the content-disposition HTTP headers. Фишка download ban cai dat win 7 ultimate соглашусь let’s raise the bar a little. Let’s straight request a ZIP archive, but “mangle” a little bit the server’s response.
For doing that I will add the following simple test on a Apache test web server, see Figure11 :. Figure Apache Config. I could have done something on an IIS http://replace.me/3617.txt. If we now analyze with Wireshark the test web server’s response for our request, we will see something like in Figure13 click on the image for the full picture :.
Speaking about changing block exe download tmg extension, say I’ve emailed to a friend who is using Yahoo! Figure Wireshark – Yahoo! If you’ve looked carefully at the HTTP reponses we’ve pictured so far, you may have obeserved that a certain pattern repeats in those responses, if we refer to ‘.
Before we end our fun, I will do one more thing. This block exe download tmg a little silly block exe download tmg not very practical. I will do so because HTTP compression will “alter” the server’s response, and the needed string to block in the server’s response body will be “hidden”. Let’s take a look, web server’s response decompressed, see Figure16 click on the image for the full picturenote that Wireshark senses that the ‘.
Figure Decompressed web server’s answer. Web server’s response compressed, see Figure17 click on the image for the full picture. Figure Compressed web server’s answer. And as can be noted from Figure17now, if the web proxy is not able to decompress the web server’s “forced crompressed response”, and just let’s it pass through, we may not be able to block the needed string. TMG Beta 3 is configured by default to request compression, see Figure18 click on the image for the full picture.
On ISA Server you may need to manually configure that. So, as we have seen, even if the web server plays by the rules, for example, when an user may change the file extension to something common like a popular image extension, unless we analyze the file itself we won’t be able to tell the real type of the file by just looking at its extension and the HTTP header from the web server’s response.
Also, as already said, what we will do bellow, it’s just blacklisting and not whitelisting, so if a “determined” user finds a way “to pack” his files, he may bypass your restrictions. This may complement the usual approach of controlling content types, and help in certain situations.
Forefront TMG. ISA Server. Vyatta OFR. Overview 1. First a simple web server response for a ZIP archive download request using Wireshark, see Figure8 click on the image block exe download tmg the full picture : Figure8: Wireshark – Simple web server’s reponse for a ZIP archive download request I’m calling it simple because it was a straight request for a ZIP archive, and the response is using just the HTTP content-type header, all by the rules.
Figure Apache Config Let’s take a look, web server’s response decompressed, see Figure16 click on the image for the full picturenote that Wireshark senses that the ‘. Figure Forefront TMG Beta 3 – Default HTTP Compression Settings So, as we have seen, even if the web block exe download tmg plays by the rules, for example, when an user may change the file extension to something common like a popular image extension, unless we analyze the file itself we won’t be able to tell the real type of the file by just looking at its extension and the HTTP header from the web server’s response.
Block exe download tmg.FTP and File-Type Blocking on TMG
This option blocks the download and executing of executable content like EXE files. As a next step we should configure the allowed or blocked. Block socially-engineered phishing websites and other online scams by GFI WebMonitor uses multiple antivirus engines to scan all downloads for viruses. Presentation on theme: “Configuring TMG as a Firewall”— Presentation HEAD, and POST Block executable and server side includes extensions Block.