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Search здесь community and support articles Windows Windows 7 Search Community member. William Gaskill. Where is sdutil. This file is used by Microsoft but does not appear to be available on their site.

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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Sdutil is a command line Python utility tool designed to easily interact with seismic store. The seismic store is a cloud-based solution designed to store and manage datasets of any size in the cloud by enabling a secure way to access them through a scoped authorization mechanism.

Seismic Store overcomes the object size limitations imposed by a cloud provider by managing generic datasets as multi-independent objects. This provides a generic, reliable, and better performing solution to handle data in cloud storage. Sdutil is an intuitive command line utility tool to interact with seismic store and perform some basic operations like upload or download datasets to or from seismic store, manage users, list folders content and more. Microsoft Energy Data Services is currently in preview.

For legal terms that apply to features that are in beta, in preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability, see the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews. Microsoft Energy Data Services requires registration and is available to only approved customers and partners during the preview period. To request access to Microsoft Energy Data Services during the preview period, use this form.

The utility requires other modules noted in requirements. You could either install the modules as is or install them in virtualenv to keep your host clean from package conflicts. If you don’t want to install them in a virtual environment, skip the four virtual environment commands below. Clone the sdutil repository from the community Azure Stable branch and open in your favorite editor.

Replace the contents of config. Follow the directions in How to Generate a Refresh Token to obtain a token if not already present. If this is your first time using the tool, you must run the sdutil config init command to initialize the configuration. Before you start using the utility and performing any operations, you must sign in the system. When you run the following sign in command, sdutil will open a sign in page in a web browser. Once you’ve successfully logged in, your credentials will be valid for a week.

You don’t need to sign in again unless the credentials expired after one week , in this case the system will require you to sign in again. If you aren’t getting the “sign in Successful! Before you start using the system, it’s important to understand how resources are addressed in seismic store.

There are three different types of resources managed by seismic store:. For example, if we have a dataset results. A subproject in Seismic Store is a working unit where datasets can be saved.

The system can handle multiple subprojects under a tenant project. A subproject resource can be created by a Tenant Admin Only with the following sdutil command:. To be able to use seismic store, a user must be registered to at least a subproject resource with a role that defines their access level. Seismic store supports two different roles scoped at subproject level:. A user can be registered by a Subproject Admin Only with the following sdutil command:. The following is an example of how to use sdutil to manage datasets with the seismic store.

These tests should be executed to validate the utility functionalities. Run the command generation script. Run the changelog script. Ensure you have followed the installation and configuration steps from above.

Don’t use cp command to download VDS files. The VDS conversion results in multiple files, therefore the cp command won’t be able to download all of them in one command. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Important Microsoft Energy Data Services is currently in preview. Note Follow the directions in How to Generate a Refresh Token to obtain a token if not already present.

Note If you aren’t getting the “sign in Successful! Note Don’t use cp command to download VDS files. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

View all page feedback. Additional resources In this article.


Download sdutil.exe


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