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Именно он принимал ее на работу, именно он сделал АНБ для нее родным домом. Когда десять лет назад Сьюзан поступила в агентство, Стратмор возглавлял Отдел развития криптографии, являвшийся тренировочной площадкой для новых криптографов, криптографов мужского пола. Хотя Стратмор терпеть не мог выделять кого-нибудь из подчиненных, он с особым вниманием относился к своей единственной сотруднице. Когда его обвиняли в фаворитизме, он в ответ говорил чистую правду: Сьюзан Флетчер – один из самых способных новых сотрудников, которых он принял на работу.



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In some instances, Microsoft Defender Antivirus is referred to as Endpoint Protection ; however, the protection engine is the same.

Although the functionality, configuration, and management are largely the same for Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows 10 , there are a few key differences on Windows Server:. On Windows Server, automatic exclusions are applied based on your defined Server Role. However, you can set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive or disabled mode manually. The process of setting up and running Microsoft Defender Antivirus on a server platform includes several steps:. Refer to this article , and use the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

When you get to the Features step of the wizard, select the Microsoft Defender Antivirus option. Once Microsoft Defender Antivirus is installed, your next step is to verify that it’s running. On your Windows Server endpoint, run the following PowerShell cmdlet:. To do that, run the following command from a command prompt:. The sc query command returns information about the Microsoft Defender Antivirus service. To get updated antimalware security intelligence, you must have the Windows Update service running.

By default, Windows Update does not download and install updates automatically on Windows Server or Windows Server You can change this configuration by using one of the following methods:.

Download updates but let me choose whether to install them allows Windows Defender to download and install Security intelligence updates automatically, but other updates are not automatically installed. This value results in all updates being automatically installed, including Windows Defender Security intelligence updates.

This value allows Windows Defender to download and install Security intelligence updates automatically, but other updates are not automatically installed. To ensure that protection from malware is maintained, we recommend that you enable the following services:. The following table lists the services for Microsoft Defender Antivirus and the dependent services. Sample submission allows Microsoft to collect samples of potentially malicious software.

To help provide continued and up-to-date protection, Microsoft researchers use these samples to analyze suspicious activities and produce updated antimalware Security intelligence. We collect program executable files, such as. Review the submission guide. Visit the sample submission portal , and submit your file.

To enable automatic sample submission, start a Windows PowerShell console as an administrator, and set the SubmitSamplesConsent value data according to one of the following settings:. To help ensure security and performance, certain exclusions are automatically added based on the roles and features you install when using Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows Server or If you are using a non-Microsoft antivirus product as your primary antivirus solution on Windows Server, you must set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode or disabled mode.

In these cases, you must set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to disabled mode. If you are using Windows Server, version or Windows Server , you can set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode by setting the following registry key:.

When you get to the Features step of the wizard, clear the Windows Defender Features option. Microsoft Defender Antivirus will still run normally without the user interface, but the user interface cannot be enabled if you disable the core Windows Defender feature.

You can’t uninstall the Windows Security app, but you can disable the interface with these instructions. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Skip to main content. Contents Exit focus mode. Although the functionality, configuration, and management are largely the same for Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows 10 , there are a few key differences on Windows Server: On Windows Server, automatic exclusions are applied based on your defined Server Role.

Setting up Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows Server The process of setting up and running Microsoft Defender Antivirus on a server platform includes several steps: Enable the interface.

Install Microsoft Defender Antivirus. Verify Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running. Update your antimalware Security intelligence. As needed Submit samples. As needed Configure automatic exclusions. Only if necessary Set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode. Verify Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running Once Microsoft Defender Antivirus is installed, your next step is to verify that it’s running.

To do that, run the following command from a command prompt: sc query Windefend The sc query command returns information about the Microsoft Defender Antivirus service.

Update antimalware Security intelligence To get updated antimalware security intelligence, you must have the Windows Update service running. You can change this configuration by using one of the following methods: Method Description Windows Update in Control Panel Install updates automatically results in all updates being automatically installed, including Windows Defender Security intelligence updates.

To ensure that protection from malware is maintained, we recommend that you enable the following services: Windows Error Reporting service Windows Update service The following table lists the services for Microsoft Defender Antivirus and the dependent services. Submit a file Review the submission guide.

Enable automatic sample submission To enable automatic sample submission, start a Windows PowerShell console as an administrator, and set the SubmitSamplesConsent value data according to one of the following settings: Setting Description 0 – Always prompt The Microsoft Defender Antivirus service prompts you to confirm submission of all required files.

Configure automatic exclusions To help ensure security and performance, certain exclusions are automatically added based on the roles and features you install when using Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows Server or Need to set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode? Note You can’t uninstall the Windows Security app, but you can disable the interface with these instructions. Is this page helpful? Yes No. Any additional feedback? Skip Submit. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

View all page feedback. Install updates automatically results in all updates being automatically installed, including Windows Defender Security intelligence updates. The following two values allow Windows Update to automatically download and install Security intelligence updates: 4 – Install updates automatically. The Microsoft Defender Antivirus service prompts you to confirm submission of all required files.

The Microsoft Defender Antivirus service sends all files marked as “safe” and prompts for the remainder of the files.


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